
Bring your collection to life with our custom framed memorabilia featuring some of the biggest top charting musicians, sports athletes and Hollywood names!

Each piece is hand-signed and authenticated, and comes with a certificate of authenticity (COA). Our custom framing is the perfect way to showcase your favorite piece and make it a focal point in any room. From classic icons to current superstars, our selection has something for everyone. Whether you're a collector or a fan, these custom framed memorabilia are a unique and exciting way to own a piece of your favorite artists, athletes and Hollywood names.

Don't miss out on the chance to own a piece of history, order now and take home a custom framed memorabilia today!

Zobie provides custom framing options to preserve your signed memorabilia. You can find more information here: Professional Custom Framing.

If you would like to have a collectible custom frame for the holidays, upcoming birthday gift or just to add a awesome item to your wall in your office. Please contact us via email here:

1331 products

1331 products